The Environmental Design Pocketbook |
book chapters
Click on numbers for each chapter introduction and further reading weblinks: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
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1 . CO2, climate change mitigation & the building industry
2. Design strategies and adaptations for a changing climate
3. Environmental site planning
4. Urban greenery and biodiversity
5. Water and flooding
6. The internal environment: space, warmth, light and air
7. The building fabric
8. Retrofit of existing housing stock
9. Key details
10. Energy supply and demand
11. Zero carbon buildings
12. Low and zero carbon technologies and renewables
2. Design strategies and adaptations for a changing climate
3. Environmental site planning
4. Urban greenery and biodiversity
5. Water and flooding
6. The internal environment: space, warmth, light and air
7. The building fabric
8. Retrofit of existing housing stock
9. Key details
10. Energy supply and demand
11. Zero carbon buildings
12. Low and zero carbon technologies and renewables
© copyright Sofie Pelsmakers / The Environmental Design Pocketbook (2012/2015) NOTE: Website designed to be viewed with Google Chrome